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Yongjia Free Tour ‖Yongjia College B&B Jiangfeng, Songyue

Yongjia Academy has beautiful natural scenery, beautiful water, strange rocks, many waterfalls, beautiful beaches and forests, and unique architecture, which is compatible with all the scenic features of Nanxi River. It has more than 50 natural and cultural landscapes such as Phoenix Ferry, Water Center Tower, Camel Peak, Jinzhu Waterfall, Dongtian Line, Unity of Heaven and Man, more than 20 cultural and sports interactive projects, and complete supporting facilities such as accommodation, dining, leisure and entertainment. The most distinctive tourist destination in Wenzhou.

2 days free travel recommended:


13:00-14:00; Self-driving tour and drive to Yongjia College;

14:00-14:30; go through the accommodation procedures; set up your luggage to prepare for the afternoon play;

15:00-16:00; Depart from Fengyasong B&B to Yongjia Academy; pass by Island of Love, Hundred-meter Dingbu, Jingu Waterfall, Hanmozhai;

16:00-16:30; go to Jinzhu Waterfall to see the waterfall with a vertical drop of 88 meters; pass the wave bridge; fan-shaped square; camel peak (visible across the fan-shaped square);


17:00-17:30; go to Yijiangnan restaurant for dinner;

19:00-20:00; watch the sky full of stars at Fengyasong B&B; go to the camping area for K song barbecue;


10:00-10:30; hike to Xie Gong Road to make love on Los Cloud Corridor and go to Elos Cloud Corridor by sightseeing car; halfway through the mountain road with 10 bends on foot;

10:30-11:30; Take pictures and play in Elos;

11:30-12:30; pass through Yixiantianxiashan from Elos Cloud Corridor;

13:00-13:30; Meal in Jiangnan restaurant;

14:00-16:00; return to the warm home;

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